Heatmap of Gym Attendance
1. Project overview
A simple dashboard based on scraped publicly available web data, cleaned in Excel and visualized in Tableau.
As a member of this very popular (and often crowded) gym in Brooklyn, New York, I was interested in the optimal times to work out.
1. Scrape data using a cloud web scraper
2. Quick data cleaning in Excel
3. Data visualization with Tableau to create a simple dashboard
2. Analysing and visualizing the data
Scraping the web data
I decided to scrape the openly accessible attendance data from the gym’s website on an hourly basis for one month. In this case, I set up a cloud-based web scraper tool to store the desired data in a Google Sheet document.
After data collection was completed, I decided to use Excel to clean the data before visualization as this dataset is quite small.
Defining a research question
As a member and frequent user of the gym in question, I was interested in the optimal days of the week and times of the day to avoid overcrowding.
Creating the Tableau storyboard
To make the data easily glanceable, I decided to create an interactive line chart that displays the average gym attendance by hour. Users can choose whether they would like to see the weekly average or by a specific weekday.
In addition, I created a heatmap as this format is uniquely suited to display the hourly average attendance in one visualization. The color grading is based on personal observation: Below 150 gym goers in attendance seems optimal (blue), at 200 it starts getting crowded (light red) and at 300 the gym is packed (dark red).
3. Insights and next steps
The insights represented on the dashboard:Next steps:
Please feel free to check out the full storyboard at the top of this page or on Tableau Public.